Friday, April 26, 2013

Bu-Tang Tacos

Every so often it's a necessary step in the cooking process to pilfer through the contents of your fridge. It's so easy to forget about what lurks in the depths of the beast that you'd be surprised when you do go spelunking, there can be quite a few treasures to be found. On this particular night, we discovered some butternut squash living next to the stack of cookbooks we keep stored in our freezer (it's a long, soggy story). 

The frozen squash, plus the spinach, goat cheese, and flour tortillas we found in the fridge began to take the shape of something edible. With a can of black beans for protein, we were set!

Flour tortillas
1/2 butternut squash, cubed (frozen okay, if thawed)
1 can of black beans
Goat cheese
Spinach, large handful, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
Seasonings (cumin, salt, pepper, chili flakes, chili powder, paprika, and whatever else might be lying around that sounds good)

Sautée the onion and cumin in some olive oil for a few minutes until translucent. Add the garlic and stir for another 2 to 3 minutes. If you have some white wine, deglaze the pan before you add the butternut squash. Cook until the squash is soft, for 8 minutes or so. If necessary, cover the pan and steam a bit. Add the black beans and spinach and season with salt and pepper. At this point you can start heating up the tortillas in another skillet. Once those are heated, spread on a layer of goat cheese and add a generous scoop of the squash mixture. Add a spoonful of salsa and some fresh spinach to the top. Enjoy!

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